Thursday, November 08, 2012

President Reagan vs Obama the president

Obama the person – I refuse to call him a man – is a very immature and very mean spirited individual.

Like an immature child, Obama refuses to take responsibility for his problems or for the consequences of his actions. It is ALWAYS someone else’s fault.

President Reagan, after taking office during a time of run-away inflation and high unemployment, NEVER blamed Jimmy Carter for the problems he faced. He simply went to work and SOLVED the problems with sound economic policy. Oh how refreshing!

President Reagan never personally attacked his opponents the way Obama ALWAYS does. He debated issues, policies, and ways to solve problems, while treating those who disagreed with him with respect.

President Reagan NEVER tried to divide the American public into factions the way Obama does. He understood we’re all Americans, and we’re all in this together. He recognized that what is good for ALL Americans is good for Blacks, Hispanics, women, men, the poor and the rich, He didn’t pander to individual factions, nor did he try to pit one group against another. He didn’t demonize his opponents, big business or the wealthy. Reagan had a firm grasp of how our economy works. Instead of punishing the wealthy and big business, he lowered taxes, understanding that that is what stimulates the free enterprise system.

But then again, unlike Obama, President Reagan understood that “Government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem.”

Oh, President Reagan, where are you when we need you now….

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