Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lone Voter for McCain at Liberal Website

This excerpt is from an article detailing how the staff and contributors of the liberal website will vote in next Tuesday's presidential election. 55 will vote for Obama and one will vote for McCain.

This LONE vote for McCain will be cast by Rachael Larimore, Deputy Managing Editor and Copy Chief. These are her thoughts:

This is a difficult election for me. But voting for John McCain is an easy choice. He's a man I admire, I agree with many of his policy positions, and, since I am a moderate but loyal Republican, I feel a kind of kinship with him. Barack Obama is an exciting candidate, and I wish I could share the enthusiasm so many Americans feel for him, but I feel like his worldview is Carter-esque, and I fear his economic policies will be, too.

However, I also think an Obama presidency can be a boon for Republicans, and not just because of the havoc a Democratic White House and a Democratic Congress could wreak. I don't hate President Bush like so many do, but even I can say his presidency has been a disappointment. And the Republican-led Congress was a disaster, as McCain pointed out, not in so many words, in his convention speech. I'm hopeful that an Obama victory would be a wakeup call as well as an opportunity—an opportunity for those who believe in limited government, individual freedoms, and free markets (yes, even in this crisis) to regain their influence, to take back the party from the religious right and social conservatives that have gained so much influence. So regardless of what happens on Nov. 4, I won't be too upset. But neither will I be too excited.

I think the observations of this lone voter for McCain are VERY astute. If Obama wins, it will be a hard lesson for America. But maybe that, as Rachael Larimore points out, is what America needs.

I just hope and pray that Obama’s agendas (both public and private) don’t cause irreparable damage to our country.

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